Sunday, May 14, 2006

Galerie Takeo

©2006 Tetsuchan

Writer introduction
Takeo Matsuhara(1912~ )
Born in the Hyogo Prefecture Itami-cho (present Itami City).
He helps father's family business. The sketch is learnt in 'Nakanoshima western-style painting laboratory' in 1932(20 years old).It becomes Shigeyoshi Hayashi painter's disciple and realism is studied in year of the '34 after two years.It is selected to'All Kansai art exhibition 'unknow' of the '34 year, The 5th independent art society exhibition 'land for sale in lots' of the '35 year,The second time 'The Ministry of Education art exhibition(Bunten)-Unkei-' of the '38 year , and The 14th Kokugakai exhibition'-Snow(Valley)- of the '39 year.

©2006 Tetsuchan
All Kansai art exhibition 'unknown' 1934
全関西美術展 '不詳'1934

©2006 Tetsuchan
The 5th independent art society exhibition 'land for sale in lots' 1935

However, it is called out to the '39 year military forces. Meanwhile, it lives an army life to the end of the war with Southeast Asia though it returns home once.It becomes call release of the '45 year, it has "a narrow escape from death", and it returns.

©2006 Tetsuchan
The 2nd Ministry of Education art exhibition 'Snow scene' 1938

©2006 Tetsuchan
The 14th Kokugakai exhibition 'snow (valley)'1939

©2006 Tetsuchan
The 18th Kokugakai exhibition 'Chizu Snow scene'1943

©2006 Tetsuchan
The 2nd The Japan Fine Arts Exhibition 'Snow scene' 1946

©2006 Tetsuchan
The 26th Kokugakai exhibition'Moon'1952

©2006 Tetsuchan
The 30th Kokugakai exhibition'Works'1956

1957 ©2006 Tetsuchan

However, it is called out to the '39 year military forces. Meanwhile, it lives an army life to the end of the war with Southeast Asia though it returns home once.
It becomes call release of the '45 year, it has ''a narrow escape from death'', and it returns.
It exhibits immediately in the 2nd 'Japanese art exhibition' on the '46 autumn of year (Bunten changing the title). And,'The Kokugakai exhibition' is exhibited
every year after year of the '47.
The landscape and the person picture are produced for a while in postwar days.
However, a constructivism work is gradually produced. The concern to the abstraction painting buds in around 1954.
It is enchanted to the world of 'Chance inevitability' woven in hanging enamel down without searching for an original style of painting after that, and using the brush for the support body (Canvas) that is the space of nothing.
The work that expresses teach in"It is to tell the truth really useful that there is nothing, too" that Loushi recited by this technique in the painting is produced until 1996.
A past technique is thrown away, daily necessaries are produced in the support body since the '96 year, and the work that makes this Loshi's world deepened further by a new technique for conflicting with a current technique for coloring with a collage and a brush is produced. It extends it to now that exceeds 93 years old.

松原武雄(1912~ )
 兵庫県伊丹町(現伊丹市)に生まれる。1932年(20歳)のときに父の家業を手伝いながら中之島洋画研究所に通いデッサンを学ぶ.2年後の’34年、林 重義の門下に入り徹底した写実の勉強をする。’35年全関西洋画展、’36年第5回独立美術協会展、’38年第2回文部省美術展(文展)、’39年第14回国画会展に入選する.しかし’39年軍隊に招集される。一度は帰国するがその間終戦まで南支那で軍隊生活を送る。’45年招集解除となり九死に一生を得て帰還する。早速’46年秋の第2回日本美術展(文展改称)に出品,そして’47年以降は毎年国画会展出品する.

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